Unveil the lush and vibrant lawn you’ve always dreamed of with our comprehensive turf program. Our tailored approach is science-based and designed to transform your lawn while enhancing its overall health. At K&H Landscaping, we understand the intricate needs of your turf, and our team of experts is dedicated to helping Loudoun & Fairfax County residents create a healthier, greener, and more inviting outdoor space.
The Signature Turf program is designed to keep your lawn green, minimize weed problems and improve the health of your existing lawn.
Step 1
We launch our relationship by meeting with you to learn about your turf care concerns at your property.
Step 2
We conduct a site visit to better understand your turf care needs and assess the best ways to mitigate your concerns and provide you with a proposal.
Step 3
Once the decision is made to move forward on your end, our capable team works quickly to resolve the health issues lawn in 6 rounds.